der Rechtsanwälte
im Lande Hessen
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts

Legal bases


The pension scheme of lawyers in the state of Hesse is based on the Law on the Hessian Lawyers’ Supply (Hess. RAVG) of 16.12.1987.


Section 11 Hess. RAVG provides that the affairs of the utility will be regulated by the statutes.


The statute, adopted by the first meeting of representatives on 12.10.1988 and approved by the Hessian Minister of Justice on 24.10.1988 (cf. Justiz-Ministerial-Blatt für Hessen 1988, page 788) as last amended by resolution of the meeting of representatives on 09.07.2023, publishes in the Justiz-Ministerial-Blatt für Hessen 2023, page 621 ff.



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